Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are answers to common questions about the crowdfunding campaign for diabetes cure research and development.
If you have any questions that are not covered in this FAQ, please feel free to contact us through the inquiry form.
About the Supporters of Biozipcode
The primary goal of the Supporters of Biozipcode is to support the development of treatments for diabetes and its complications and to help bring the results of ongoing research to the world. Our ultimate mission is to improve the quality of life for diabetes patients worldwide.
Biozipcode, Inc. is focused on researching and developing new diagnostic methods and treatments that target abnormal hematopoietic stem cells, which are considered a key reason why diabetes is difficult to cure. By addressing this root cause, we aim to provide more effective treatments that lead to complete remission rather than just managing the disease. Furthermore, by enabling a true cure, we seek to reduce the medical and economic burden of diabetes treatments, including dialysis and other costly interventions.
Additionally, the development of side-effect-free drugs will be made possible through Biozipcode technology. The Biozipcode (biological postal code), or BIOZIPCODE, is a seven-amino-acid peptide that functions like a biological version of Japan’s postal code system. It binds specifically to targeted organs and cells, allowing precise delivery of therapeutic agents. This technology is set to revolutionize both molecular-level diagnostics and targeted treatments.
The Supporters of Biozipcode is committed to supporting Biozipcode, Inc. in every possible way to achieve two major objectives:
- Developing a complete cure for diabetes
- Creating side-effect-free drugs using Biozipcode technology
The development of a cure for diabetes is based on critical scientific discoveries.
Recent studies have revealed the role of bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) in the progression of diabetes. In particular, a subset of BMDCs known as Vcam1-positive short-term hematopoietic stem cells (Vcam1+ ST-HSCs) has been identified as a major contributor to the development of diabetic complications. It is hypothesized that these cells continuously damage pancreatic β-cells, which are essential for insulin production.
Based on this discovery, a treatment combining insulin therapy with the removal of abnormal BMDCs was tested in diabetic mouse models. Researchers found that bone marrow transplantation successfully eliminated abnormal BMDCs, allowing the mice to maintain normal blood sugar levels even after discontinuing insulin therapy. Furthermore, an alternative approach using the HDAC inhibitor givinostat was also found to be effective. Givinostat corrected epigenetic abnormalities in BMDCs, and after treatment discontinuation, both insulin secretion and blood glucose normalization were sustained.
Additionally, this combination therapy was shown to suppress abnormal BMDC migration to the pancreatic islets and thymus, as well as cell fusion events caused by diabetes. However, in diabetic mice that underwent thymectomy (surgical removal of the thymus), the treatment was ineffective. This finding suggests that diabetes is not only a bone marrow disorder but also involves epigenetic dysfunction in the thymus.
These research findings have direct implications for the development of a diabetes cure. The combination therapy of insulin and givinostat has the potential for clinical application as a groundbreaking treatment that aims for complete remission (cure) of diabetes.
For more details, please refer to the Nature Communication Biology research paper.
Yes, direct donations to Biozipcode, Inc. are possible.
The Supporters of Biozipcode initiative, operated by Studio Makyu Co., Ltd., is dedicated to fundraising and business collaboration to support research and development at Biozipcode, Inc..
If you wish to make a direct donation, please contact Biozipcode, Inc. directly or reach out via this inquiry form.
The Supporters of Biozipcode initiative collaborates closely with two key partners: Biozipcode, Inc. and the Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Regenerative Medicine.
Biozipcode, Inc. was established to apply and commercialize the research findings developed at the Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Regenerative Medicine. The company is dedicated to pioneering new approaches to diabetes treatment and side-effect-free therapies, using cell-targeting technology.
Meanwhile, the Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Regenerative Medicine plays a crucial role as an advanced medical research institution, driving deeper exploration into this field.
Both institutions collaborate by sharing scientific expertise and resources to advance the development of innovative treatments for diabetes.
The Supporters of Biozipcode is an independent initiative operated within Studio Makyu Co., Ltd..
The initiative is primarily led and managed by Fumihisa Kojima, the CEO of Studio Makyu Co., Ltd., who oversees its operations and activities.
About the Crowdfunding Campaign
The development of a cure for diabetes and its complications is estimated to require at least ¥300 million (approximately $2 million) over the next three years to maintain the current research infrastructure. Additionally, for next-generation, side-effect-free cell-targeting technology-based drugs, the basic technology development alone is expected to cost around ¥2 billion (approximately $13 million). This includes expenses for experimental materials, equipment, personnel, and clinical trials.
The total cost of developing a new drug for human use, including clinical trials, typically ranges from tens of billions to over ¥100 billion (hundreds of millions of dollars). To secure the necessary funding for research, clinical trials, and regulatory approval, Biozipcode, Inc. is exploring multiple avenues, including investment from investors, government and private grants, and joint research through strategic partnerships. Efficient fundraising and resource optimization are essential for the success of new drug development.
Studio Makyu Co., Ltd. is actively working to build a strong support system for developing a complete cure for diabetes. In addition to crowdfunding, we are pursuing various funding strategies and resource optimization approaches from multiple perspectives to accelerate this mission.
The funds raised through “Supporters of Biozipcode” (operated by Studio Makyu Co., Ltd.) will primarily be allocated to Biozipcode, Inc., which is engaged in joint projects and collaborative research. The funds will be used for purchasing experimental materials, upgrading research equipment, covering researchers’ salaries, and conducting clinical trials.
Additionally, the funds may also be used for data analysis, publication of research findings, and related patent applications. A full breakdown of all donations will be publicly disclosed.
For donations made in Japan, please refer to the National Tax Agency’s website for information on tax implications. Since this is a donation-based crowdfunding, there are no specific services or products provided in return, meaning donations are not subject to consumption tax. However, for the 5-ALA Plan, a product is included, so consumption tax will apply. Please keep this in mind when making a contribution.
For corporate sponsors interested in supporting this project or forming business partnerships, please contact us. Additionally, donations made directly to a university research lab may qualify as deductible expenses under certain systems.
For donations made outside Japan, please check the tax regulations specific to your country.
The progress of research and development will be regularly disclosed through updates on this website, social media, and press releases. Additionally, when significant milestones are achieved, special reports will be provided to supporters.
For those who register their email address, we will also send regular updates on development progress.
The main reason is the high fees associated with major crowdfunding platforms. A quick search will show the fee structures of various platforms, but when including payment processing fees, the total commission can amount to approximately 17% to 20%.
*In the future, we may consider using major crowdfunding platforms.
Project Updates and Acknowledgments
As a token of our appreciation, the Supporters of Biozipcode team will send a thank-you email to those who contribute to our crowdfunding campaign.
Your support is invaluable in helping us advance the development of a complete cure for diabetes and its complications. Through this email, we wish to express our deepest gratitude for your generosity and belief in our mission.
We will continue to provide regular updates on the project’s progress, ensuring you stay informed about how your support is making a difference.
If you wish, we can include your name or nickname on our project page as a supporter. This is entirely optional, and you may also choose not to be listed.
This acknowledgment serves as a token of our gratitude for your support and allows us to permanently recognize your contribution within our community.
We would love to feature your thoughts and messages of support on a special section of our website. Your words of encouragement will be a great source of motivation not only for our team but also for everyone who visits our site.
Along with your message, we will also list your name as a supporter (optional, nicknames allowed). You may also choose not to have your name displayed.
You can access the “Supporters” page, featuring individuals, organizations, and companies who support our project, here.
We will provide regular updates on the latest progress of the project through emails and a dedicated webpage. Additionally, we will share updates via various social media platforms to keep supporters informed.
By sharing our development process in real-time, we invite you to be a part of our journey and witness our progress firsthand.